Skylar James Adams
Hi, this is Skylar J. Adams - welcome to my website! I am currently a senior in high school, attending Northwest Christian School in Phoenix, Arizona. My passions are golf, basketball, family and God, and excellence in my academics. I've been playing golf and basketball with my dad, James Adams, since I was six years old. My younger brother, Cameron Adams, is now 14 years old in 8th grade at NCS, and he is following in my footsteps in golf and basketball, both at NCS.
I also play drums, and Cameron plays bass each week at our church.

My goal is to attend a top quality college where I can get a great education, and where I can make a real contribution as one who has a passion for excellence in all areas. Particularly I'd like to contribute by playing with excellence on the golf team, and possibly on the basketball team as well.

My school varsity golf coach is
Brian Cornelius, and my private golf coach (at Marriott Doubletree resort in Scottsdale) is Jason Witczak (wikipedia link)
My school varsity basketball coach is
Jason Cook.

I recently had the pleasure of playing a round with Stanford University's assistant golf coach, Graham Brockington, and his brother (UC David golf team) Michael Brockington. Michael is planning on becoming a professional golfer after college. By the way, I came in 2nd in a very competitive round!

Skylar Adams, Graham and Michael Brockington
Skylar Adams on the course with Graham Brockington (Stanford University ass’t golf coach, left) and Michael Brockington (UC Davis golf team)

Golf Swing Videos

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